Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Would you like to Digital Scrapbook?

Some of you have told me that you would love to lean how to do digital scrapbooking or maybe haven't but would maybe try it if someone showed you how amazing it is. If not that's okay, but if you do love anything like that keep reading.

If you are like me you have a ton of photos on your computer or camera with the BEST of intentions to get them scrapped or at least into a book where your family can enjoy them and they aren't just collecting dust. I know I get overwhelmed with kids, housework, errands, etc and even though I do digital scrapbooking myself I don't EVER seem to get things printed. I have years of layouts on my computer that no one sees... sigh... does NO good I tell you.

Here are the top 10 reasons to learn how to digital scrapbook (from fellow digital scrapbook artist Pamela Donnis at

  1. Less Mess,
  2. Requires minimal space
  3. Costs less than paper scrapbooking

  4. Oh how I LOVE The Undo Button
  5. Can reuse supplies (and never run out!)
  6. Easy to print duplicate scrapbooks
  7. Others can browse my layouts and I’m not stressed about them getting ruined
  8. Faster and easier (for me) than paper scrapbooking,
  9. Ability to adjust papers and elements to perfectly match my photos
  10. Ability to Manipulate photos (crop, resize, add special effects, blend, etc) without damaging the actual photo

Now some of you are probably hooked saying "okay, I get why it's a good idea so tell me how YOU can help" or even "hmm... I didn't know that..." Either way, it's all true and I haven't done any paper scrapbooking since I began. It's just SO much nicer to not spend all of my time dragging out the card table and boxes of supplies, dealing with glue, and being upset because I'd run out of something I needed and wasn't sure what to do to finish my layout. It was a nightmare!!!

The biggest reason I hesitated to teach anyone was that some of these programs can be complicated! Not only that but the really good ones cost a TON of money and then you had to get supplies AND have printing costs. It was a nightmare for everyone and cost a ton of money so I never asked anyone if they wanted to learn out of fear that once I would get them started they'd freak out and run screaming. Some programs cost hundreds of dollars, and then if you are like me every month you add up more costs buying scrapbooking supplies from digital stores! Heck, I even sell digital items! lol.

Now I have an awesome answer for you, I've not found ANYTHING better than this and it's just the perfect answer for what I've been looking for because it's EVERYTHING rolled into one. Heritage Makers... you may have heard of them. They've been around for 5 years and are starting a NEW program and I'm telling you, it's just amazing.

There are three levels.

First is the basic free member. This member has access to their program (which you use to create digital scrapbooking items). You are also able to use some of the templates they have in the program. Now with basic you aren't paying anything and have access to limited items, you'll see things in there that you can not use unless you are part of the premier club but you still can upload photos and have an online photo storage system (it's limited to so many photos a month but it's still a good idea to use).

Next is the Club HM Membership and that's where there are two levels. One cost $30 a month and the other $50 a month and ultimately the cost difference is simply how much you want to be printing. If you print a lot then the $50 is a great deal. If you don't know how much you will print you can start at $30 a month and even that one is a wonderful value. So what do these clubs offer you?

First of all by being a club member you are getting the $20 membership to the Premier account for FREE. That includes over 50,000 pieces of art and tons of templates for you to play with all for being a club member. You don't have to buy any special software, it's all part of their program! You simply log in and start working on things. (Don't worry, if you sign up you also have a consultant to helps walk you through it, I'd never let you go at this alone... it's why I am a consultant myself and more than happy to walk you through this no matter where you live).

You ALSO get publishing points. Each point is worth $1 for printing purposes so with the $30 membership you get $40 worth of points. For $50 you get $70 worth of points... These points give you 2 years from the time you earn them and since you are making a monthly payments they happen every month. That means you can either publish your items every month OR let them add up to afford a really big beautiful item you may want. Even better, save them through the year and use the points to print items and use them for Christmas presents similar to a lay-away program. This is what I'm most excited about, publishing is my biggest problem and the products at Heritage Makers are top quality. Now you're getting a discount on the points AND getting things printed.

If any of these options sound like something you'd like OR you want to see these in person (we can host a party) let me know. I'd be more than happy to help. They ask that if you do sign up for Club HM that you stick with it for 3 months and give it a good effort, it can always be canceled after that point if you still don't think it's something you enjoy. Shoot me an email at and we can see what I can do to help.

Also remember that because I am a digital scrapbook designer you'll have the opportunity to say "hey, I was looking for x in the gallery and need a kit for this layout" and I can see what I have and/or make a kit to fit that theme for you. I can also adjust photos as needed in my program and will help you entirely along the way with this new project.

There is also other options (higher levels) and a great bonus offer when you sign up for the first time so if you do want more information let me know...

Heritage Makers BLOG

This is where you would SIGN UP

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